Dynamics during 5 months

Since the last winter I started to grow the foliage plant which someone left in my studio. It was dying and many branches dropped. I put one of the blanches on the water bottle. It was perhaps in last November and I almost forgot about that.
One day in last month I found small root on end of the branch, and it pretty surprised me because I did not expected anything. The shape of last part of the branch was just straight like I could stick into the bottle from thin plastic part on the top.
When I saw it at first, I had impression that branch part creates new function by environment adaption. And after studying about DNA working little bit, I understood it that cells of branch had information of all part of this plant, and it used this information for transforming. But how and which part did take this decision of transforming? I wonder it needed 5 months to change itself. Especially I was interested in that cells kept working one thing during such a long term in microscopic level.
Now this branch got 10 small and big roots.